Vaughn Brothers Javelin 4.0

This is my first Vaughn Brothers rocket. It comes in a box with 3 pages of good instructions. It has 3 body tubes, one 34" and two 17", and a 25.5" long 54mm motor mount tube. You must cut the unmarked fin slots yourself. The 1/8" fiberglass fins use through-the-wall (and to the motor mount) mounting. It uses three 3/16" plywood centering rings. It comes with excellent recovery mounting hardware, including a U-bolt with a 1" flat nylon strap to attach the shock cord to. It even comes with T-nuts and predrilled rear centering ring. There were no factory problems with the kit. The only things I replaced in the kit are the 18' elastic shock cord with 5/8" tubular Kevlar®, and an Aero Pack motor retainer instead of the T-nuts. I am also using ROCKETMAN R9C and drogue parachutes. I am also using HeatShield parachute and shock cord protectors from Pratt Hobbies. I constructed the kit a little different than stock to be able to use dual deployment, with the electronics bay in the coupler. I also fiberglassed the body tubes with a layer of 5 oz. cloth followed by a layer of 2 oz. cloth. These changes make the rocket 50% heavier than the estimated weight of 80 oz. if built stock.

Dia: 4.0"; Length: 82.3"; Wt.: 121 oz. (7 lbs, 9 oz.); Motor (1): 54mm
Manufacturer recommended motors: I211-6W, J275-10W, K185-10W
Status: Active.

Flt Date Motor Comments
1) 9/19/98 K550-W Excellent flight! Dual deployment worked as planned. My first successful K motor flight. IA-X96 reported 8146 feet, 14.4 Gs, 617 max mph.
2) 10/24/98 J350-W Nice flight, with the dual deployment working as planned. IA-X96 reported 2932 feet, 12.7 Gs, 305 max mph.
3) 11/28/98 I284-W Nice flight, with the dual deployment working as planned. IA-X96 reported 2132 feet, 11.0 Gs, 253 max mph.
4) 1/30/99 J180-T Excellent flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 3320 feet, 5.4 Gs, 276 max mph.
5) 1/30/99 J180-T Another excellent flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 3350 feet, 6.0 Gs, 284 max mph.
6) 2/27/99 J275-W Another excellent flight, but the main parachute didn't deploy as the batteries failed. Broke a fin-body joint. IA-X96 reported 3592 feet, 6.9 Gs, 339 max mph. Repairs completed 3/17/99.
7) 3/25/99 J135-W Nice flight, slow off the pad with some weathercocking. Dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 4696 feet, 4.8 Gs, 333 max mph.
8) 3/25/99 I284-W Excellent flight, dual deployment worked as planned with the main chute deploying right overhead. IA-X96 reported 2167 feet, 13.2 Gs, 255 max mph.
9) 4/11/99 J460-T Excellent flight, dual deployment worked as planned with the main chute deploying close by. IA-X96 reported 3663 feet, 10.4 Gs, 376 max mph.
10) 4/11/99 J275-W Another excellent flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 3646 feet, 7.9 Gs, 349 max mph.
11) 5/08/99 J180-T Another excellent flight, but main chute deployed early. IA-X96 reported 3388 feet, 5.8 Gs, 285 max mph.
12) 5/08/99 J350-W Another excellent flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 2859 feet, 11.0 Gs, 303 max mph.
13) 5/29/99 J350-W Nice flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 2907 feet, 12.3 Gs, 311 max mph.
14) 5/30/99 K550-W Excellent flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 7875 feet, 14.3 Gs, 612 max mph.
15) 6/19/99 J275-W Nice flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 3757 feet, 7.1 Gs, 341 max mph.
16) 6/19/99 J275-W Another nice flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 3652 feet, 7.0 Gs, 337 max mph.
17) 7/10/99 I284-W Nice flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 2103 feet, 10.5 Gs, 254 max mph.
18) 9/24/99 K700-W Excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 11,142 feet, 23.4 Gs, 800 max mph.
19) 9/24/99 K700-W Another excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 10,897 feet, 23.5 Gs, 822 max mph.
20) 9/25/99 K550-W Nice flight. IA-X96 reported 8164 feet, 14.2 Gs, 621 max mph.
21) 9/26/99 K700-W Excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 10,944 feet, 21.7 Gs, 797 max mph.
22) 10/9/99 J275-W Nice flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 3650 feet, 6.7 Gs, 335 max mph.
23) 5/13/00 J275-W Nice flight, dual deployment worked as planned. Kicked out the 54/852 motor casing and the Aero Pack retainer. IA-X96 reported 3664 feet, 6.9 Gs, 331 max mph.
24) 9/15/00 K700-W Excellent flight, dual deployment worked as planned. IA-X96 reported 11,101 feet, 22.2 Gs, 822 max mph.
25) 9/17/00 K700-W Excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 11,131 feet, 21.3 Gs, 819 max mph.
26) 10/14/00 J275-W Excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 3,572 feet, 6.5 Gs, 328 max mph.
27) 3/17/01 J275-W Excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 3,517 feet, 7.2 Gs, 330 max mph.
28) 4/22/01 J275-W Excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 3,487 feet, 7.8 Gs, 330 max mph.
29) 6/16/01 J275-W Excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 3,662 feet, 8.0 Gs, 335 max mph.
30) 6/23/01 K700-W Excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 10,600 feet, 20.0 Gs, 801 max mph.
31) 6/24/01 K700-W Excellent flight. IA-X96 reported 10,473 feet, 20.3 Gs, 795 max mph.
32) 7/21/01 J415-W Nice flight. IA-X96 reported 5024 feet, 10.9 Gs, 490 max. mph.
33) 8/18/01 J275-W Nice flight. IA-X96 reported 3,655 feet, 8.3 Gs, 339 max mph.
34) 9/8/01 J315-R My first Redline motor. IA-X96 reported 3,116 feet, 8.6 Gs, 336 max mph.
35) 9/14/01 K695-R Nice Redline motor. IA-X96 reported 7,152 feet, 16.2 Gs, 636 max mph.
36) 3/16/02 J315-R Nice Redline motor. IA-X96 reported 3,149 feet, 8.9 Gs, 329 max mph.
37) 4/20/02 J350-W Nice flight. IA-X96 reported 2,856 feet, 13.7 Gs, 312 max mph.
38) 5/18/02 J350-W Nice flight. IA-X96 reported 2,810 feet, 15.6 Gs, 306 max mph.
39) 6/15/02 J415-W Nice flight. Main deployed early at 1000 feet. IA-X96 reported 4988 feet, 12.3 Gs, 492 mph.
40) 6/28/02 K700-W Nice flight. Lost, found the next day. Unable to retrieve data.
41) 6/29/02 J415-W Nice flight. End of body tube damaged by dragging in the wind. IA-X96 reported 5,725 feet, 11.5 Gs, 491 mph.
42) 7/20/02 J350-W Nice flight. IA-X96 reported 2962 feet, 16.5 Gs, 310 mph.
43) 8/10/02 I284-W Nice flight. IA-X96 reported 2168 feet, 10.3 Gs, 263 mph.
44) 8/10/02 I284-W Nice flight. IA-X96 reported 2079 feet, 10.3 Gs, 249 mph.
45) 8/16/02 J360-A Nice flight on 6 grain Pro38. IA-X96 reported 3211 feet, 12.9 Gs, 393 mph.
46) 8/17/02 K670-GG Excellent flight on the Animal Works Green Gorilla motor. Uncalibrated AltAcc reported 7609 feet, 21.8 Gs, 802 mph.
47) 8/18/02 I366-R Nice flight on the Redline motor. Missile Works RRC2 reported 2231 feet.
48) 10/19/02 I284-W Main deployed at apogee - I wired the charges wrong. Missile Works RRC2 reported 2171 feet.
49) 6/27/03 CTI K1320 Manufacturer's demo. Cesaroni 2300 Ns "White Thunder motor. Awesome flight. Forgot to secure altimeter, so was ejected when main deployed, not found.
50) 6/29/03 J400-SS Cesaroni Smokey Sam motor. Nice flight. AltAcc 2C did not record data.
51) 7/12/03 J330-A Cesaroni standard propellant motor. Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter worked as planned, reported 3093 feet.
52) 8/16/03 J330-A Cesaroni standard propellant motor. Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 3142 feet.
53) 9/05/03 K550-W Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 7314 feet.
54) 9/06/03 K695-R Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 7237 feet.
55) 9/06/03 K1275-R Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 9321 feet.
56) 9/06/03 K550-W Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 7197 feet.
57) 9/07/03 K550-W Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 7374 feet.
58) 9/07/03 K700-W Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 9846 feet.
59) 10/11/03 J275-W Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 3455 feet.
60) 10/18/03 J315-R Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 3089 feet.
61) 10/18/03 J400-SS Nice flight. PrefectFlight altimeter reported 2752 feet.
62) 3/27/04 J315-R Nice flight. AltAcc 2C did not record data.
63) 4/24/04 K695-R Nice flight. PerfectFlight altimeter reported 7907 feet.
64) 5/15/04 J275-W Nice flight. PerfectFlight altimeter reported 3517 feet.
65) 6/19/04 J540-R Excellent flight. PerfectFlight altimeter reported 5218 feet.
66) 6/19/04 J285-A Nice flight. PerfectFlight altimeter reported 2525 feet.
67) 7/03/04 L730-P Nice flight on the new CTI 54mm L motor. AltAcc altimeter reported 11,362 feet inertial, 9,779 feet pressure. Went 851 mph and 20.7 Gs.
68) 7/17/04 J315-R Nice flight. PerfectFlight altimeter reported 3189 feet.
69) 7/24/04 J295-A Nice flight. PerfectFlight altimeter reported 5813 feet.
70) 8/21/04 J315-R Nice flight. PerfectFlight altimeter reported 3040 feet.
71) 8/28/04 K1275-R Excellent flight. PerfectFlight altimeter reported 9,487 feet.

Pictures   Altimeter Data
First flight of the Javelin on a K550W. 9/19/98.
MPEG movie of the Javelin on a J350W. 10/24/98. (1.9 MB)
The Javelin at lift-off on a J275-W. 2/27/99.
The Javelin on a J275-W. 2/27/99.
The Javelin on another J275-W. 4/11/99.
The Javelin on a J350-W. 5/08/99.
The Javelin on a J350-W at Medicine Wheel 4. 5/29/99.
The Javelin on a K550-W at Medicine Wheel 4. 5/30/99.
The Javelin on a K700-W at HellFire 5. 9/24/99.
The Javelin on another K700-W at HellFire 5. 9/24/99.
The Javelin on another K700-W at HellFire 5. 9/26/99.
The Javelin on a J275-W. 5/13/00.
The Javelin on a K700-W at HellFire 6. 9/15/00.
The Javelin on a J275-W. 10/14/00.
The Javelin on a J275-W. 6/16/01.
The Javelin on a K700-W at ROC Lake IV. 6/24/01.
The Javelin on a J415-W. 7/21/01.
The Javelin on a J315-R. 9/08/01.
The Javelin on a K695-R at HellFire 7. 9/14/01.
The Javelin on a J415-W. 6/15/02.
The Javelin on a K700-W at ROC Lake V. 6/28/02.
The Javelin on a J415-W at ROC Lake V. 6/29/02.
The Javelin on a I366-R at HellFire 8. 8/18/02.
The Javelin on a I366-R at HellFire 8. 8/18/02.
The Javelin on a J275-W. 10/11/03.
The Javelin on a K695-R. 4/24/04.
The Javelin on a J275-W. 5/15/04.
The Javelin on a J540-R. 6/19/04.
The Javelin on a Pro38 J285-A. 6/19/04.
The Javelin on a Pro38 J285-A. 6/19/04.
The Javelin on a J315-R. 7/17/04.
The Javelin on a Pro54 J295-A. 7/24/04.
The Javelin on a J315-R. 8/21/04.
The Javelin on a K1275-R. 8/28/04.
  I284-W on 3/25/99.
J460-T on 4/11/99.
J275-W on 4/11/99.
J180-T on 5/08/99.
J350-W on 5/08/99.
K550-W on 5/30/99.
K700-W on 9/24/99.

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