Launch Report

June 29, 2002
ROC Lake V, Alberta

Temp: 60 - 70s.
Wind: 10 - 20 mph
Where: ROC Lake south of Taber, Alberta

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
Modified Estes Super Big Bertha I212-14SS
Vaughn Bros. Javelin 4.0 J415-W

Second day of ROC Lake V. The weather was raining in the morning, then windy. My first launch was the Super Big Bertha on a Cesaroni Smokey Sam I212-14SS for a nice flight. Then I flew the Javelin (after I found it during a long morning search) on a J415-W. The rocket was dragged a lot after landing from the wind, sustaining some damage to the end of the body tube. The IA-X96 reported 5725 feet.

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