Launch Report

October 9, 1999
Billings, MT

Temp: 58 degrees. Rain late in the day.
Wind: 5 to 15 mph
Where: BLM land at 17 mile marker

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
Edmonds Deltie Boost Glider 1/2A3-2T
Aerotech Arreaux G33-7J
Aerotech Cheetah G64-10W
Rocket R&D 4" Sandhawk K550-W
Vaughn Bros. Javelin 4.0 J275-W
Aerotech Arcas G64-7W

This was the seventh launch of Tripoli Montana, and the last scheduled launch of the year. I launched with Paul and Dan Mazel, Pat DeWitt, and Andy Meteer, and we also had several children launching. As the wind was unexpectedly calm, I first flew my Deltie Boost Glider on a 1/2A3-2T. Next was the Arreaux on a G33-7J for a nominal flight. Then I flew the Cheetah on a G64-10W for a nice, high flight. I prepped the 4" Sandhawk and flew it on a K550-W for an excellent flight to 4907 feet. Next was the Javelin on a J275-W for another excellent flight to 3650 feet. Last was the Arcas on a G64-7W for a nominal flight. Then it started raining, lightly but annoying, so we called it a day.

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