Aerotech Arreaux

This is the first Aerotech rocket I built. I bought the Initiator starter kit at the same time, but I like this better so I built it first. These are nice kits! Like all Aerotech kits it comes in a box, and has molded plastic fins with through-the-wall (and to the motor mount) fin mounting. There were no factory problems with the kit. I used CA throughout as per the instructions, and it works fine(I'm used to using epoxy). This is the only Aerotech kit that comes stock with a payload section. I highly recommend this rocket. It uses cooling mesh so you don't need recovery wadding; however, the mesh tends to get plugged up after awhile (see below), so clean the mesh periodically with a long thin wire (sharpened hanger or pin glued on a dowel).

Dia: 1.9"; Length: 43"; Wt.: 12 oz.; Motor (1): 29mm (or 24mm with included adaptor)
Status: Active

Flt Date Motor Comments
1) 6/02/97 E18-7W Very nice flight. I love the noise and flame! The delay seems long.
2) 6/02/97 E11-5J Underpowered, slow and wobbly off the rod.
3) 6/08/97 E18-7W Very nice flight, but a very LONG delay. It was about half way back down at ejection.
4) 6/08/97 F39-6T Excellent flight. Perfect delay.
5) 6/08/97 F39-6T Another wonderful flight and perfect delay. A nice motor (24mm RMS) for this rocket.
6) 6/17/97 F37-6W Good delay. Weathercocked.
7) 7/12/97 E18-4W IA-X96 accelerometer payload. Nose cone came off at ejection, recovered the next day. IA-X96 came out, recovered unharmed. Garbage data.
8) 7/13/97 F37-6W CATO. Nozzle blew out at about 50 feet. No damage.
9) 7/13/97 F37-6W Nice flight. Nose cone came off at ejection (again), recovered.
10) 7/17/97 G54-10W My first G motor flight. Flew out of sight. Ejected RMS 29/100 casing, not recovered :(
11) 7/28/97 F40-7W Blew the baffle out with 1" of motor mount tube out at ejection (plugged mesh), only minor damage to body on landing.
12) 8/07/97 F40-7W Nice flight.
13) 8/11/97 F40-7W Another nice flight.
14) 8/30/97 F22-5J Nice straight up flight.
15) 9/29/97 E23-5T Nice flight.
16) 1/31/98 F40-7W Corkscrewed. Late ejection, and nose cone came off. I couldn't find it, so I bought a new one.
17) 4/02/98 E23-5T Nice flight.
18) 4/23/98 F39-6T Nice flight.
19) 5/07/98 F39-6T Nice flight.
20) 5/13/98 F39-6T Another nice flight.
21) 5/25/98 F40-7W A nice flight, but a long delay.
22) 3/25/99 G33-5J Nice flight.
23) 8/14/99 G33-7J Nice flight and delay.
24) 9/11/99 G33-7J Nice flight.
25) 9/24/99 G33-7J Nice flight.
26) 9/26/99 G64-10W Nice flight. Nose cone came off, but I found it.
27) 10/9/99 G33-7J Nice flight.
28) 4/15/00 G33-7J Nice flight.
29) 4/19/00 F22-7J Launch for Lewistown 8th grade science class.
30) 5/13/00 G33-7J Nice flight.
31) 10/26/00 G33-7J Nice flight.
32) 5/19/01 G40-10W Nice flight.
33) 6/16/01 G40-10W Nice flight.
34) 6/16/01 G40-10W Nice flight.
35) 9/15/01 G54-6W Nice flight.
36) 3/16/02 G40-7W Nice flight.
37) 4/20/02 G40-7W Nice flight.
38) 5/18/02 G38-7FJ Nice flight.
39) 6/15/02 G40-7W Nice flight.
40) 6/15/02 G40-7W Nice flight.
41) 8/10/02 G33-7J Nice flight.
42) 8/10/02 G33-7J Nice flight.
43) 8/10/02 F24-7W Nice flight.
44) 10/19/02 G40-7W Nice flight.
45) 4/12/03 G40-7W Nice flight.
46) 5/17/03 G40-7W Nice flight.
47) 5/17/03 G40-7W Nice flight.

Grant holding the Arreaux.
The Arreaux lifts off on an E18-7W. 6/02/97.
The Arreaux lifts off on an E11-5J. 6/02/97.
The Arreaux lifts off on an F39-6T. 6/08/97.
MPEG movie of Arreaux launch on a F39-6T. 6/08/97. (605K)
The Arreaux blows out the baffle. 7/28/97.
The Arreaux on a G64-10W at HellFire 5. 9/26/99.

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