June 15, 2002
Billings, MT
Temp: 80.
Wind: 5 mph
Where: BLM land at 17 mile marker
Rocket | Motor |
Modified Estes Super Big Bertha | H123-10W |
Modified Estes Super Big Bertha | H123-10W |
Vaughn Bros. Javelin 4.0 | J415-W |
Aerotech Arcas | H97-10J |
Aerotech Arreaux | G40-7W |
Aerotech Arreaux | G40-7W |
Nice crowd for the forth BSRA launch of the year. The weather was the best of the year. My first launch was the Super Big Bertha on a H123-10W. I liked it so much I flew it again on the same motor. Then I flew the Javelin on a J415-W for a nice flight. The nose cone came off at apogee (I used a sheap pin for the first time on this rocket), and finally pulled the main out at about 1000 feet. The IA-X96 reported 4,988 feet. Next was my Arcas on a H97-10J for a nominal flight. I flew the Arreaux on a G40-7W for a nice flight. I tried to fly it again on the same motor, but catoed the motor on the pad. The rocket was unharmed, and none of the propellant burned. It looked like the ignitor was too large for the nozzle. I tried it again with another G40-7W motor and the same type of ignitor - and the same thing happened, catoed the motor on the pad. Yes, the ignitor was indeed too large for the nozzle. I ran out of G40 motors, so I flew the Arreaux on a F40-7W for my final flight.