August 14, 1999
Billings, MT
Temp: 85 degrees.
Wind: 7 mph
Where: BLM land at 17 mile marker
Rocket | Motor |
Estes Alpha III | C6-5 |
Estes Terrier/Sandhawk | E30-7T |
Estes Silver Comet (#2) | G33-7J |
Nike Smoke | J570-W |
Estes Maniac | D12-5 |
Shadow #2 | G33-5J |
Estes Silver Comet (#2) | H97-10J |
Rocket R&D 4" Sandhawk | J415-W |
Aerotech Arreaux | G33-7J |
Aerotech Arcas | G64-7W |
Estes Black Brant II | D12-5 |
This was the fifth launch of Tripoli Montana, and I launched with Paul and Dan Mazel, Patrick DeWitt, and Kent Newman (visiting from Washington). I first flew my Alpha on a C6-5. Next was the Terrier/Sandhawk on a E30-7T. The chute did not open, but there was no damage. Then I flew Grant's Silver Comet #2 with a G33-7J for another nice flight. I launched the Nike Smoke on J570-W, and the AltAcc reported 2393 feet. Both off the launch lugs were torn off. Next was the Maniac on a D12-5. I then flew the Shadow #2 on a G33-5J. It had a nice flight, but the chute tangled. Fortunately there was no damage. Unfortunately, Grant's Silver Comet did not fair so well on its next (and last) flight. I flew it on a H97-10J, and it appeared to develop a slight wobble in the nose cone. It shredded back to the front centering ring. After the burial, I flew the 4" Sandhawk on a J415-W for a good flight. The RRC2 reported 4046 feet. Next was the Arreaux on a G33-7J for a nominal flight. Then I flew the Arcas on a G64-7W for a good flight. The last flight of the day was the Black Brant II on a D12-5 for a nominal flight.