Launch Report

July 3, 2004
ROC Lake VII, Alberta

Temp: 70s.
Wind: 5 - 10 mph
Where: ROC Lake south of Taber, Alberta

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
7.5" Iris M1690-P
Vaughn Bros. Javelin 4.0 CTI L730-P

Sexond day of ROC Lake 7. Overcast weather with occasional breaks in the clouds. My first flight was the Iris on a CTI M1690-P standard propellant motor for an excellent flight. The pilot chute on the deployment bag tangled on the main chute lines - same thing that happened here 2 years ago with the Goblin. The hard landing broke a fin. My next launch was the Javelin on the new CTI 730-P for another excellent flight. The AltAcc reported 9779 feet pressure, 11,362 feet inertial. Day 3 of the lauch was cancelled due to weather.

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