Launch Report

October 18, 2003
Billings, MT

Temp: 50
Wind: 5 to 15 mph
Where: BLM land near Billings

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
Aerotech Arcas H180-10W
Vaughn Bros. Javelin 4.0 J315-R
Aerotech Mustang F21-6W
Estes Silver Comet (#3) G40-7W
Vaughn Bros. Javelin 4.0 J400-SS

Seventh and last BSRA launch of the year. My first launch was the Arcas on a H180-10W for an excellent flight. However, I lost sight of it before apogee and never saw it again. Then I flew the Javelin on its 60th flight on a Redline J315. The PrefectFlight MiniAlt/WD 25K logging dual event altimeter reported 3,089 feet. Next was the Mustang on a F21-6W. I launched the Silver Comet on a G40-7W. My last flight was the Javelin on a J400 Smokey Sam for a nice flight. The PrefectFlight MiniAlt/WD 25K logging dual event altimeter reported 2,752 feet.

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