Launch Report

August 16, 2002
Near Wendover, UT

Temp: Upper 90s.
Wind: 5 mph
Where: HellFire 8, near Wendover UT.

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
Vaughn Bros. Javelin 4.0 J360-A
Modified Estes Super Big Bertha I285-15A
Shock Value K250-W

HellFire 8, Day 1: We were on the salt this year. I flew the Javelin on a Pro38 J360 (6 grain) for a nice flight to 3211 feet. The dual deployment worked as planned. Next was the Super Big Bertha on a Pro38 I285-15A (4 grain) motor. My last flight was the initial flight of the Shock Value from Shadow Composites. This was a K motor altitude attempt with a K250-W left over from last HellFire. The rocket had an excellent flight out of sight. At apogee the Kevlar® cord broke. The booster section was recovered later by Brad Overmoe, and only one fin broke off. The main deployed as planned and that Kevlar® cord broke also. The nose cone was not recovered, but the altimeter section was. The uncalibrated AltAcc data read 18,187 feet (22,676 feet inertial), 16.4 Gs, 1,198 mph.

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