Launch Report

October 20, 2001
Billings, MT

Temp: 58
Wind: 0 to 20 mph
Where: BLM land at 17 mile marker

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
Estes Bull Pup B6-4
Estes Bull Pup C6-3
Modified Estes Big Daddy G40-7W
7.5" Iris M1315-W
Modified Estes Super Big Bertha H123-10W
Modified Estes Big Daddy H180-10W

Eighth BSRA launch of the year. Very calm most of the day but got windy in the afternoon, especially after 3pm. My first test flight was the Bull Pup on a B6-4. The Bull Pup didn't go very high, so I flew it on a C6-3. The choice of delay was too short, a C6-5 would have been better. Then I flew my Big Daddy on a G40-7W for a nice flight. I prepped the Iris, and launched it on a M1315-W. It was a nice flight except that the nose cone came off at apogee and pulled the main chute out. The middle body tube sustained a small zipper despite the zipperless design. Then I launched the Super Big Bertha on its maiden flight on a H123-10W for a nice flight. My last flight was the Big Daddy on a H180-10W for an excellent flight. Unfortunately, I was never able to find the rocket.

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