Launch Report

June 4, 1998
Billings, MT

Temp: 53
Wind: 5-10 mph
Where: BLM land at 17 mile marker

Flights in order
Estes Big BerthaB6-4
Aerotech CheetahF37-6W
LOC EZI-65H123-6W
PML Sudden RushI211-W
LOC EZI-65J90-10W
Estes Alpha IIIB6-4
LOC Hi-Tech H45H128-10W
PML Bull PuppyI161-10W

First nice day in a few weeks. I built a PVC pad to hold a 3/8" launch rod, so I finally got to launch so big motors at home. A reporter and photographer from the Billings Gazette came with me for the launch. First up was the Big Bertha to give them some perspective. Next was the Cheetah on a F37, nominal flight. Then I launched the EZI-65 on a H123-6W, another perfect flight. The Sudden Rush flew to 3075 feet on the I211, but the main again deployed at apogee from drogue deployment. I did here the main ejection charge fire later. Then came the EZI-65 on a J90-10W. A nice flight and long burn to 5470 feet, and a perfect recovery. After they left and I cleaned up, I did a few more launches because the weather was so nice. The Alpha flew on its 20th flight. The Hi-Tech flew well on the H128, but the 10 second delay was too long. Sustained a 1/2" zipper. Final flight was the Bull Puppy on a I161. It took of at an angle (I think from the 1/4" launch rod being too wimpy), but I spotted it with my binoculars on the way down. All in all a very good day.

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