May 25, 1998
Billings, MT
Temp: 83
Wind: 10-15 mph
Where: BLM land at 17 mile marker
Rocket | Motor |
Estes Silver Comet | D12-5 |
Estes Terrier/Sandhawk | D12-5 |
Aerotech Cheetah | E11-3J |
Aerotech Arreaux | F40-7W |
Aerotech Initiator | F40-4W |
Aerotech HV Arcas | G64-7W |
Estes Silver Comet | D12-5 |
PML Bull Puppy | H123-10W |
Aerotech Mustang | F62-6T |
Shadow #2 | G75-10J |
LOC Hi-Tech H45 | H123-10W |
Aerotech Wart-Hog | F62-6T |
Aerotech HV Arcas | H180-10W |
The Silver Comet finally made a normal flight. The Terrier/Sandhawk flight was fine on the D12-5 (I ran out of D12-3). The Cheetah was underpowered on the E11, but no damage. The Arreaux flight was good except for a bonus delay, but no damage. The Initiator flight was nominal, rebroke a fin on landing. The Arcas flew nice on the G64-7W. I tried the Silver Comet again, and the chute failed to eject from the body tube. Streamlined in, major body damage. I drilled the delay a bit (~2 seconds) on the H123-10W for the Bull Puppy. It weathercocked, otherwise a good flight. The Mustang flight was perfect. The Shadow flew nice on the G75 without a payload, delay a little long. The Hi-Tech with IA-X96 accelerometer went 3530 feet on the H123. The Wart-Hog flight was nominal. Final flight of the day was the Arcas on an H180-10W. Broke the Mantis pad (where a leg inserts) on take-off, so it angled some. Broke a fin off when it landed.