Launch Report
May 13, 1998
Billings, MT
Temp: 69
Wind: Gusty, 10-15 mph
Where: BLM land at 17 mile marker
Flights in order
I have my waiver in place to 5000 feet, but it was again too windy to launch any H or I motors today. The Terrier/Sandhawk flight was OK, but the E30 is better. Broke part of a Terrier fin on landing. The Arreaux flight was nominal, and it was the Arreaux's 20th flight. The Arcas flew nice on the G64-7W, but the delay was a little long. Broke a part of a fin when it landed on the dirt road. The Wart-Hog flight was nominal. Final flight of the day was the Mustang on an E23-8T. Further launches cancelled due to the wind and impending rain.