Launch Report

July 12, 1997
Billings, MT

Temp: 60s
Weather: Rainy and overcast.
Where: Mirage at the BLM site, rest at home.

Flights in order
Aerotech MirageF40-4W
Estes ReliantB6-6
Aerotech ArreauxE18-4W
Aerotech InitiatorF22-5J

The maiden voyage of the Mirage was perfect. The Reliant was for my streamer duration flight for the NARTREK program, lasted 36 seconds. I tried the IA-X96 payload for the first time in the Arreaux. The nose cone came off at ejection and the IA-X96 came out. All recovered without damage, though the nose cone was found the next day. The Initiator had a "bonus" delay, ejected the RMS 29/40-120 casing and cooling mesh. (Update: The 29/40-120 casing was found by a neighbor kid the first week of August!)