Launch Report
July 12, 1997
Billings, MT
Temp: 60s
Weather: Rainy and overcast.
Where: Mirage at the BLM site, rest at home.
Flights in order
The maiden voyage of the Mirage was perfect. The Reliant was for my streamer duration flight for the NARTREK program, lasted 36 seconds. I tried the IA-X96 payload for the first time in the Arreaux. The nose cone came off at ejection and the IA-X96 came out. All recovered without damage, though the nose cone was found the next day. The Initiator had a "bonus" delay, ejected the RMS 29/40-120 casing and cooling mesh. (Update: The 29/40-120 casing was found by a neighbor kid the first week of August!)