Launch Report

July 4, 2001
Cody, WY

Temp: Upper 70s.
Wind: < 5 mph
Where: Cody, WY

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
7.5" Iris L1120-W
Nike Smoke K550-W

This was for the pre-fireworks show down in Cody, WY. I launched with Andy Meteer. We finished prepping and fired off Andy's Bruiser at 9:30pm. He lit two J570-W on the ground and airstarted a J415-W. The flight angle wasn't so great, but the flight otherwise was nice. I think one J570-W lit slightly before the other. There was a high speed deployment with some damage to the main chute and the nose cone was lost. Next up was the big Iris on a L1120-W. It made a perfect flight to 3923 feet and landed about 100 yards away. Last was the Nike Smoke on a K550-W. It had a nice flight to 3900 feet. Even with the strobe light it took awhile to locate. Tore the forward launch lug off. A very interesting experience, but it sure is hard to locate rockets in the dark.

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