Launch Report

October 20, 2000
Cody, WY

Temp: 48
Wind: 5 mph
Where: RC field at Cody, WY

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
7.5" Iris L1120-W

This was a launch for the ground breaking ceremony for the Western Institute of Technology in Cody, WY. This was arranged by Curtis Jenkins of the Cody Chamber of Commerce. We had a 5,000 foot waiver so I went with the L1120-W motor. The flight went off as planned at 9:20am with a perfect flight. The dual deployment worked as planned. The rocket landed in a pasture with five horses who came over to help me retrieve the rocket. The Missile Works RRC2 reported 3,888 feet. The AltAcc reported 3,778 feet, 4.8Gs, and 296 mph.

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