Launch Report

August 6, 1998
LDRS 17, Day 1

Temp: Hot, 90 to 100
Wind: 5 mph
Where: Bonneville Salt Flats, UT

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
Estes Silver Comet G75-6J
Aerotech Arcas H180-10W
PML Sudden Rush J350-W
Rocket R&D Sandhawk H123-10W
LOC EZI 65 J180-10T
LOC Hi-Tech H45 H123-10W
Estes Fat Boy F39-9T(6)

LDRS, Day 1: The Salt Flats are a unique place. I got to watch my first K, L, and M motor flights today. There are lots of fliers and vendors, and it's a lot of fun. First up was the Silver Comet on a G75-6J, a good flight with a slightly short delay. Next was the Arcas on a H180, perfect flight. Then I flew the Sudden Rush on a J350. It had a nice flight and the deployment worked, but the aft launch lug got ripped off. The IA-X96 reported 5307 feet. Then I flew the rebuilt Sandhawk on a H123 for a perfect flight. Next was the EZI-65 on a J180-10T for another excellent flight. The IA-X96 reported 6041 feet. Then I launched the Hi-Tech on a H123-10W, looked good but may have ejected before apogee. The IA-X96 reported 3841 feet. Last flight of the day was the Fat Boy (with 24mm mount) on a F39 for a nominal flight.

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