Launch Report

March 21, 1998
Salt Lake City, UT

Temp: 60 degrees F
Wind: 5 mph.
Where: Pony Express Test Range (UROC).

Flights in order
LOC EZI-65H123-6W
Big Bertha 3 (Astron Ranger)C6-5
Aerotech HV ArcasG64-7W

Beautiful weather and incredible launch area. This launch with UROC is the first group launch I have attended. The first attempt with the EZI-65 failed to ignite the motor. Second attempt flew perfectly, and I received my Tripoli Level 1 certification. The Big Bertha 3 only lit one motor, almost hit the LCO area, broke a fin. Final flight was the Arcas, perfect flight with ejection just after apogee. I called it a day (the kids were hungry). Thanks to the UROC and Mike Morton for making this possible.