Launch Report
November 6, 1997
Billings, MT
Temp: 70!
Wind: less than 5 mph
Where: Home
Flights in order
The Heli-roc was stable on a B2. The bottom half tangled in the blades briefly (ejection at 11 seconds after ignition for a 8 second delay), but then worked fine. Finally! The Deltie flew nice, but a bonus delay (11 seconds after motor ignition in an A2-3, a 9.5 second delay!) resulted in a prang. Second flight on a B2-5 had ejection at 11 seconds after ignition (an 8 second delay), glider tangled in pod. Floated down together, 23 second duration. Attempted another launch but couldn't light motor. Went through 20 ignitors total on all flights.