Launch Report

November 17, 2001
Billings, MT

Temp: Low 60s
Wind: 5 to 20 mph
Where: BLM land at 17 mile marker

Flights in order
Rocket Motor
Modified Estes Super Big Bertha I154-10J
Smokin' Rockets Mega Goblin K700-W
Modified Estes Super Big Bertha G40-7W
PML Small Endeavour H242-6T
Modified Estes Super Big Bertha G40-7W
Nike Smoke I435-T

Last BSRA launch of the year. Very calm in the morning, but became windy in the afternoon. My first flight was the modified Super Big Bertha on an I154-10J. It was an excellent flight, with an estimated height of 4500 feet. Next up was the 7-inch Goblin for its maiden flight on a K700. I had problems getting the nose cone to stay down, even with a shear pin, because the motor adapters stuck up past the end of the motor mount tube into the already small chute compartment. The Goblin had a nice flight to 2500 feet. The AltAcc did not fire because I wired the electric match to the drogue terminal instead of the main, but the MissileWorks RRC2 deployed the chute. The wind started picking up, so I flew the Super Big Bertha on a G40-7W. The selected delay was too long, but it made for a shorter walk. Then I flew the Small Endeavour on its first flight on a H242-6T. The selected delay was too short and resulted in a 10 inch zipper in the Quantum tube. I launched the Super Big Bertha again on another G40-7W. Last flight of the day was the Nike Smoke on a I435-T. It ripped off the pad and the noise hurt my ears. With the short burn it only flew to 1052 feet. Both launch lugs were torn off the rocket!

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