This is the first rocket from LOC that I built. It comes in a nice kit in a bag, and instructions are simple (one page) but clear. The plastic nose cone is very tough, and it has plywood fins with fin wedge mounting. There were no factory problems with the kit. I used epoxy throughout. I am using HeatShield parachute and shock cord protectors from Pratt Hobbies, so no wadding needed. This is a good rocket for learning about clustering, though using three D motors per launch gets expensive. I rebuilt it after the crash with a 10" payload section, repairs completed 2/01/98. I also put on some nice vinyl lettering from Scott Binder.

Dia: 2.63"; Length: 47.5"; Wt.: 16 oz.; Motor (3): 24mm
Recommended motor: D12-5, E30-7
Status: Destroyed.

Flt Date Motor Comments
1) 8/11/97 D12-5 Perfect flight.
2) 8/27/97 D12-5 Another perfect flight.
3) 9/29/97 D12-5 Another perfect flight.
4) 11/22/97 D12-5 Perfect flight.
5) 11/22/97 E15-7W All three Copperhead ignitors lit, but only one motor. Arced over and pranged. Severe damage to front of body, looks repairable.
6) 4/09/98 E15-7W Excellent flight. My first composite cluster flight. Used Firestar electric matches to light the motors.
7) 4/22/98 E15-7W All three electric matches lit, but only one motor at the pad. The second motor ignited on the way down. Arced over and pranged, totally destroyed. IA-X96 payload survived, reported 127 ft., 1.5 Gs, 38 max mph.

The Viper on its first flight. 8/11/97.
The Viper again on three D12-5s. 8/27/97.
The Viper after my unsuccessful E cluster attempt. 11/22/97.
The Viper after its repair.
The Viper on my successful E cluster attempt. If you look closely at the motor flames, you can see that only two motors lit at the pad. The third must have lit in the air. 4/09/98.
The Viper taking off on my unsuccessful E cluster attempt. Note only one motor flame. 4/22/98.

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